Robot Commander


The main purpose of the robot commander is to provide a base class to the hand and arm commanders, providing methods which can be used on both. The RobotCommander should not be used directly unless necessary. Use the SrHandCommander or SrArmCommander instead.

Examples of usage can be found here.

In the following sections, you can find decriptions of the most relevant functions available for both.

Basic terminology

A robot is described using an srdf file which contains the semantic description that is not available in the urdf. It describes a robot as a collection of groups that are representations of different set of joints which are useful for planning. Each group can have its end-effector and group states specified. Group states are specific set of joint values predifined for a group with a given name, for example close_hand or folded_arm.

As the robot commander is a high lever wrapper of the moveit_commander, its constructor takes the name of one of the robot groups for which the planning will be performed.


Import the hand or arm commander (or both) depending of your application, along with basic rospy libraries:

import rospy
from sr_robot_commander.sr_arm_commander import SrArmCommander
from sr_robot_commander.sr_hand_commander import SrHandCommander

The constructors for the SrArmCommander and SrHandCommander take a name parameter that should match the group name of the robot to be used.

Getting basic information

We can get the name of the robot, group or planning reference frame:

print "Robot name: ", commander.get_robot_name()
print "Group name: ", commander.get_group_name()
print "Planning frame: ", commander.get_planning_frame()

Get the list of names of the predifined group states from the srdf and warehouse for the current group:

# Refresh them first if they have recently changed

print "Named targets: ", commander.get_named_targets()

Get the joints position and velocity:

joints_position = commander.get_joints_position()
joints_velocity = commander.get_joints_velocity()

print("Arm joints position\n" + str(joints_position) + "\n")
print("Arm joints velocity\n" + str(joints_velocity) + "\n")

Get the current joint state of the group being used:

current_state = commander.get_current_state()

# To get the current state while enforcing that each joint is within its limits
current_state = commander.get_current_state_bounded()

Get the current position of the end-effector:

# Specify the desired reference frame if different from planning frame
eef_position = commander.get_current_pose("palm")

Get the end-effector position from a specified joint-state:

joints_states = {'ra_shoulder_pan_joint': 0.5157461682721474,
                 'ra_elbow_joint': 0.6876824920327893,
                 'ra_wrist_1_joint': -0.7695210732233582,
                 'ra_wrist_2_joint': 0.2298871642157314,
                 'ra_shoulder_lift_joint': -0.9569080092786892,
                 'ra_wrist_3_joint': -0.25991215955733704}
eef_position = get_end_effector_pose_from_state(joints_states)

Get the end-effector position from a group state previously defined:

eef_position = get_end_effector_pose_from_named_state("hand_open")

Setting functions

You can change the reference frame to get pose information:


You can also activate or deactivate the teach mode for the robot:

# Activation: stops the the trajectory controllers for the robot, and sets it to teach mode.

# Deactivation: stops the teach mode and starts trajectory controllers for the robot.
# Currently this method blocks for a few seconds when called on a hand, while the hand parameters are reloaded.

Plan/move to a joint-space goal

Using the methods plan_to_joint_value_target, move_to_joint_value_target or move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe, a set of the joint values can be given for the specified group to create a plan and send it for execution.


  • joint_states is a dictionary with joint name and value. It can contain joints values of which need to be changed.
  • wait indicates if the method should wait for the movement to end or not (default value is True)
  • angle_degrees should be set to true if the input angles are in degrees (default value is False)

IMPORTANT: Bear in mind that the names of the joints are different for the right and left arm/hand.


rospy.init_node("robot_commander_examples", anonymous=True)

arm_commander = SrArmCommander(name="right_arm", set_ground=True)
joints_states = {'ra_shoulder_pan_joint': 0.5157461682721474,
                 'ra_elbow_joint': 0.6876824920327893,
                 'ra_wrist_1_joint': -0.7695210732233582,
                 'ra_wrist_2_joint': 0.2298871642157314,
                 'ra_shoulder_lift_joint': -0.9569080092786892,
                 'ra_wrist_3_joint': -0.25991215955733704}

# Only plan

# Plan and execute

# If you want to send the joint state directly to the controller without using the planner, you can use the unsafe method:

This example demonstrates how joint states for an arm can be sent to SrArmCommander, as neither the wait nor angle_degrees arguments are specified, they take the default values of True and False, respectively.

Example 2

rospy.init_node("robot_commander_examples", anonymous=True)

hand_commander = SrHandCommander(name="right_hand")
joints_states = {'rh_FFJ1': 90, 'rh_FFJ2': 90, 'rh_FFJ3': 90, 'rh_FFJ4': 0.0,
                 'rh_MFJ1': 90, 'rh_MFJ2': 90, 'rh_MFJ3': 90, 'rh_MFJ4': 0.0,
                 'rh_RFJ1': 90, 'rh_RFJ2': 90, 'rh_RFJ3': 90, 'rh_RFJ4': 0.0,
                 'rh_LFJ1': 90, 'rh_LFJ2': 90, 'rh_LFJ3': 90, 'rh_LFJ4': 0.0, 'rh_LFJ5': 0.0,
                 'rh_THJ1': 40, 'rh_THJ2': 35, 'rh_THJ3': 0.0, 'rh_THJ4': 65, 'rh_THJ5': 15,
                 'rh_WRJ1': 0.0, 'rh_WRJ2': 0.0}
hand_commander.move_to_joint_value_target(joints_states, wait=False, angle_degrees=True))

In this example, joint states for a hand are sent to the HandCommander, the method is prompted by the wait=False argument to not wait for the movement to finish executing before moving on to the next command and the angle_degrees=True argument tells the method that the input angles are in degrees, so require a conversion to radians.

Plan/move to a predefined group state

Using the methods plan_to_named_target or move_to_named_target will allow to plan or move the group to a predefined pose. This pose can be defined in the srdf or saved as a group state in the moveit warehouse.


  • name is the unique identifier of the target pose
  • wait indicates if the method should wait for the movement to end or not (default value is True)


pack is a predifined pose defined in the SRDF file for the right_hand group:

<group_state group="right_hand" name="pack">
  <joint name="rh_THJ1" value="0.52"/>
  <joint name="rh_THJ2" value="0.61"/>
  <joint name="rh_THJ3" value="0.00"/>
  <joint name="rh_THJ4" value="1.20"/>
  <joint name="rh_THJ5" value="0.17"/>
  <joint name="rh_FFJ1" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_FFJ2" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_FFJ3" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_FFJ4" value="0"/>
  <joint name="rh_MFJ1" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_MFJ2" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_MFJ3" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_MFJ4" value="0"/>
  <joint name="rh_RFJ1" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_RFJ2" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_RFJ3" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_RFJ4" value="0"/>
  <joint name="rh_LFJ1" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_LFJ2" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_LFJ3" value="1.5707"/>
  <joint name="rh_LFJ4" value="0"/>
  <joint name="rh_LFJ5" value="0"/>
  <joint name="rh_WRJ1" value="0"/>
  <joint name="rh_WRJ2" value="0"/>

Here is how to move to it:

rospy.init_node("robot_commander_examples", anonymous=True)
hand_commander = SrHandCommander(name="right_hand")

# Only plan

# Plan and execute

Plan to a trajectory of specified waypoints

Using the method plan_to_waypoints_target, it is possible to specify a set of waypoints for the end-effector and create a plan to follow it.


  • reference_frame is the reference frame in which the waypoints are given
  • waypoints is an array of poses of the end-effector.
  • eef_step indicates that the configurations are goint to be computed for every eef_step meters (0.005 by default)
  • jump_threshold specify the maximum distance in configuration space between consecutive points in the resulting path (0.0 by default)


waypoints = []

# start with the initial position
initial_pose = arm_commander.get_current_pose()

# Move following a square
wpose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
wpose.position.x = waypoints[0].position.x
wpose.position.y = waypoints[0].position.y - 0.20
wpose.position.z = waypoints[0].position.z
wpose.orientation = initial_pose.orientation

wpose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
wpose.position.x = waypoints[0].position.x
wpose.position.y = waypoints[0].position.y - 0.20
wpose.position.z = waypoints[0].position.z - 0.20
wpose.orientation = initial_pose.orientation

wpose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
wpose.position.x = waypoints[0].position.x
wpose.position.y = waypoints[0].position.y
wpose.position.z = waypoints[0].position.z - 0.20
wpose.orientation = initial_pose.orientation


arm_commander.plan_to_waypoints_target(waypoints, eef_step=0.02)

Move to a trajectory of specified joint states

Using the methods run_joint_trajectory or run_joint_trajectory_unsafe, it is possible to specify a trajectory composed of a set of joint states with specified timeouts and follow it.


joints_states_1 = {'la_shoulder_pan_joint': 0.43, 'la_elbow_joint': 2.12, 'la_wrist_1_joint': -1.71,
                   'la_wrist_2_joint': 1.48, 'la_shoulder_lift_joint': -2.58, 'la_wrist_3_joint': 1.62,
                   'lh_WRJ1': 0.0, 'lh_WRJ2': 0.0}
joints_states_2 = {'la_shoulder_pan_joint': 0.42, 'la_elbow_joint': 1.97, 'la_wrist_1_joint': -0.89,
                   'la_wrist_2_joint': -0.92, 'la_shoulder_lift_joint': -1.93, 'la_wrist_3_joint': 0.71,
                   'lh_WRJ1': 0.0, 'lh_WRJ2': 0.0}
joints_states_3 = {'la_shoulder_pan_joint': 1.61, 'la_elbow_joint': 1.15, 'la_wrist_1_joint': -0.24,
                   'la_wrist_2_joint': 0.49, 'la_shoulder_lift_joint': -1.58, 'la_wrist_3_joint': 2.11,
                   'lh_WRJ1': 0.0, 'lh_WRJ2': 0.0}

joint_trajectory = JointTrajectory()
joint_trajectory.header.stamp =
joint_trajectory.joint_names = list(joints_states_1.keys())
joint_trajectory.points = []
time_from_start = rospy.Duration(5)

for joints_states in [joints_states_1, joints_states_2, joints_states_3]:
    trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    trajectory_point.time_from_start = time_from_start
    time_from_start = time_from_start + rospy.Duration(5)

    trajectory_point.positions = []
    trajectory_point.velocities = []
    trajectory_point.accelerations = []
    trajectory_point.effort = []
    for key in joint_trajectory.joint_names:

# If you want to send the trajectory to the controller without using the planner, you can use the unsafe method:

Move to the start of a given trajectory

Using the method move_to_trajectory_start, it is possible create and execute a plan from the current state to the first state of a pre-existing trajectory


  • trajectory a previously defined trajectory
  • wait indicates if the method should wait for the movement to end or not (default value is True)



Move through a trajectory of predefined group states

Using the method run_named_trajectory, it is possible to specify a trajectory composed of a set of names of previously defined group states (either from SRDF or from warehouse), plan and move to follow it.


  • trajectory specify a dictionary of waypoints with the following elements: - name: the name of the way point - interpolate_time: time to move from last waypoint - pause_time: time to wait at this waypoint


trajectory = [
       'name': 'open',
       'interpolate_time': 3.0
       'name': 'pack',
       'interpolate_time': 3.0,
       'pause_time': 2
       'name': 'open',
       'interpolate_time': 3.0
       'name': 'pack',
       'interpolate_time': 3.0


# If you want to send the trajectory to the controller without using the planner, you can use the unsafe method:

Check if a plan is valid and execute it

Use the method check_plan_is_valid and execute to check if the current plan contains a valid trajectory and execute it. Only has meaning if called after a planning function has been attempted.


rospy.init_node("robot_commander_examples", anonymous=True)
arm_commander = SrArmCommander(name="right_arm")

if arm_commander.check_plan_is_valid():

Stop the robot

Use the method send_stop_trajectory_unsafe to send a trajectory with the current joint state to stop the robot at its current position.

