Arm Commander


The SrArmCommander inherits all methods from the robot commander and provides commands specific to the arm. It allows movement to a certain position in cartesian space, to a configuration in joint space or move using certain trajectory.


Import the arm commander along with basic rospy libraries and the arm finder:

import rospy
from sr_robot_commander.sr_arm_commander import SrArmCommander
from sr_utilities.arm_finder import ArmFinder

The constructors for SrArmCommander take a name parameter that should match the group name of the robot to be used and has the option to add ground to the scene.

arm_commander = SrArmCommander(name="right_arm", set_ground=True)

Use the ArmFinder to get the parameters (such as prefix) and joint names of the arm currently running on the system:

arm_finder = ArmFinder()

# To get the prefix or mapping of the arm joints. Mapping is the same as prefix but without underscore.

# To get the arm joints

Getting information

To return the reference frame for planning in cartesian space:

reference_frame = arm_commander.get_pose_reference_frame()

Plan/move to a position target

Using the method move_to_position_target, the end effector of the arm can be moved to a certain point in space represented by (x, y, z) coordinates. The orientation of the end effector can take any value.


  • xyz desired position of end-effector
  • end_effector_link name of the end effector link (default value is empty string)
  • wait indicates if the method should wait for the movement to end or not (default value is True)


rospy.init_node("robot_commander_examples", anonymous=True)
arm_commander = SrArmCommander(name="right_arm", set_ground=True)

new_position = [0.25527, 0.36682, 0.5426]

# To only plan

# To plan and move

Plan/move to a pose target

Using the method move_to_pose_target allows the end effector of the arm to be moved to a certain pose (position and orientation) in the space represented by (x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z).


  • pose desired pose of end-effector: a Pose message, a PoseStamped message or a list of 6 floats: [x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z] or a list of 7 floats [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw]
  • end_effector_link name of the end effector link (default value is empty string)
  • wait indicates if the method should wait for the movement to end or not (default value is True)


rospy.init_node("robot_commander_examples", anonymous=True)
arm_commander = SrArmCommander(name="right_arm", set_ground=True)

new_pose = [0.5, 0.3, 1.2, 0, 1.57, 0]

# To only plan

# To plan and move